Crux Intelligence

Crux is a business analytics platform that makes data quickly accessible for every business user. In a way it is like Google for your business. Crux also keeps an eye on your data while you sleep and alerts you about the things you need to look at.


The approach was to create a visual identity that feels Simple, Intelligent &Young. Crux Intelligence challenges the status quo with simplicity & intelligence in its armor.

The visual language is built on the idea of getting to the crux of everything. Taking the core shape which is at the center of X we have expanded the entire idea of how data meets users, technology meets human, and come together forming the central feature.

With this in mind, we have focused on extending the branding to have a bigger meaning which goes deeper to the core.

We have then developed a strong visual identity system. This system helps to create a unified brand experience and increases recall value while being relevant and appropriate to its users. The symbol of X is simple and above all it is versatile.


Spotify Mural Design


Yeva Skincare